Look for the Weather Look-Up Links on the right. You can look up the weather for any city in the world. Courtesy of AccuWeather.com, one Look-Up is for U.S. cities and the other is for international cities. For best results, enter a city name for either Look-Up. This should help you plan for the likely immediate weather at your destination for such things as clothing choices. In case anyone is going to the south pole for the summer, you can look up the temperature there too (just enter "south pole" under International Weather Look-Up). By the way, if you enter "north pole" you'll be surprised where it takes you. NOTE: International temperature reading default is Metric (Celsius); Click on 'English' on the accuweather web page for Farenheit readings.

Also added to this page is the current weather and time in New York City, Las Vegas and Honolulu. The weather information for each city is updated every 30 minutes. Return to this blog throughout the day and you can read how the weather changes especially in Las Vegas where the temperature may vary by as much as twenty degrees. The little weather icon also changes to match the current weather conditions. One neat feature is the RealFeel temperature (what the temperature actually feels liks, factoring in variables such as humidity, vs the temperature reading). By the way, click on any of the three city weather readings for detailed weather conditions.
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