Thursday, June 28, 2012

Feeling Under the Weather During Your Vacation: Start By Resting and Eating Better

While heading out to dinner, I realized I couldn't fight how I was feeling any longer. I knew something was up earlier this afternoon. Knowing I had a Broadway show to see this evening, I headed back to Cafe Duke and picked up something refreshing and healthy to eat. I'm hoping the bug I had was due to exhaustion or dehydration as I've felt like this before. A bottle of gatorade, a generous bowl of sliced watermelon and a cup of yogurt with granola and fresh fruit seemed like a good choice. I actually had no appetite for anything heartier than that. I took the meal back to my hotel after which I took a long hot shower and slept as long as I could.

This definitely helped. I had the energy to finally head out to my show and I would make the 8pm curtain time. But I still wasn't feeling my complete best.

It's always difficult when you get sick while traveling.  The worst I've ever gotten was a catching a cold but it's happened at the tail end of my trip making the flight back home feel like the longest flight ever.

Let's see how I'm feeling by tomorrow morning.  I hope the rest and healthy meal did the trick. It's really impossible to plan for every kind of sickness so you have to know your body pretty well. If at all necessary the last resort would be contacting the hotel for a doctor or hospital. It makes things easier if you have friends in the city where you are traveling to as they could be of help for simple things like picking up medication or food.

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