Thursday, May 17, 2012

Wraparound Terrace Suite LIGHTS at The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas

This style of lighting lights up the entry hall, kitchen and bedroom.
(photo: TheHopefulTraveler)
This is one a series of posts covering aspects of the Wraparound Terrace Suite.

One issue I usually have with hotel rooms is the lack proper lighting. Even in the light of day I find myself turning on as many lamps as possible since the room lacks ceiling lights. At The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas, illuminating fixtures start with glass sphered ceiling lights in the entry hall, kitchen and bedroom. A chandelier lights up the dining area while the main bathroom is lit by simple square ceiling fixtures. Recessed lighting in the bathroom and kitchen adds to the brightness of these spaces.

Lighting fixtures can also be controlled through dimmers on the bedside lamps and a wall switch in the bedroom. The touch screen on the telephone includes a button to turn all the lights on and off. Another set of switches, one of which has "hello" and "goodbye" located near the suite entrance, also turns all the suite's lights on and off.

Further lighting is provided by a combination of floor lamps in the living room; table lamps in the dining area and bedroom and wall mounted lamps in the bedroom and bathroom. An office lamp lights illuminates the room's desk.

It's a fine point I wanted to make. I've heard stories about some travelers who take light bulbs with them to replace the ones found in most hotel rooms for better lighting. No such problem in this suite.

The chandelier above the dining area.
One set of lamps illuminate the dining area.
These understated square fixtures lights up the main bathroom.
Turn on all the suite's lights on or off with the push of one button.
This switch which cutely says "hello" and "goodbye" also controls all
the lights.
The bedside lamp includes dimming buttons.
(above photos: TheHopefulTraveler)

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