Thursday, May 17, 2012

Wraparound Terrace Suite AMENITIES at The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas

What's becoming a common thread in some luxury hotels
 are laundry and shoeshine bags manufactured of actual cloth.
These bags at The Cosmopolitan have a clever saying.
(above photos: TheHopefulTraveler)
This is one a series of posts covering aspects of the Wraparound Terrace Suite. This post covers amenities not mentioned in previous posts.

Wired and Wi-Fi internet available for a fee at $15 for 24 hours.

One of the plainest spaces of the Wraparound Terrace Suite is the closet. I say plain because I've seen pictures of wallpaper even being plastered in the closet of some rooms to offer an extra surprise of design. The closet, with twin doors that open in lieu of sliding doors, is located in the bathroom. No quirkiness here. It is simple but practical.

A top shelf holds extra bedding and below it the closet is sectioned for ten hangars and two bath robes and four stacked cubby holes. As usual the hotel will charge the room if you take the robes home with you. The top and bottom cubby holes are open for personal use. Another cubby hole holds the electronic safe and the one below it holds a laundry bag and sewing kit, shoe shine bag and shoe mitt, iron and bath slippers. I love that a light turns on each time you open the closet doors.

It should be noted that though there's an iron, there is no ironing board here. The ironing board is located on the other side of the suite by the entry doors in a closet that also contains the washer and dryer.

(above photos: TheHopefulTraveler)

This is where you need to control your appetite or your quest for a potent potable. The items are expensive (a can of coke is $5) but they serve the ultimate purpose of convenience if you are that lazy to get out and make the purchase yourself at the convenience stores located in the hotel and across the street at Planet Hollywood.

I have to admit that the Yoo-hoo chocolate milk looked delicious each time I opened the refrigerator but I resisted with my own stash of water and soft drinks. One has to be careful with any of these items. The sensors that register a pulled item can be so sensitive that a slight touch can trigger a charge. If you've feel you may have touched an item in error it's best to check your portfolio rather than having to correct it upon check-out or much worse see the charge after you return home. By the way I'm always perplexed by the inclusion of binoculars among the non-refrigerated items, these displayed on the kitchen counter. I've seen binoculars offered at similar mini bar set ups.

(above photos: TheHopefulTraveler)

Look in the hotel directory and there is a section devoted to the Cosmopolitan Signature Experiences. It's your chance to work with a personal concierge to find what you need to make your stay at the hotel special from scheduling boxing lessons to an appointment at the spa to requesting for bath butler service.

The page of the directory photographed below lists the options from the pillow butler service. Need one? Just touch the "beck and call" button. Guests can choose from feather and down, neck roll, hypoallergenic, memory down, memory foam, gel, ergonomic or body pillows.

(above photo: TheHopefulTraveler)

C.O. Bigelow Apothecaries supplies the personal care products for The Cosmopolitan. Guests who want consumer size versions of the products can purchase them in Vitals, the hotel's 24-hour convenience store located on the casino level.

Besides the requisite bath and facial soaps, shampoo, conditioner and body lotion (the latter three in lavender/peppermint formula), guests are also supplied with peppermint mouthwash and Marvis classic mint toothpaste from Italy and a toothbrush. In the closet is a sewing kit and shoe mitt. The products are generously placed at each vanity and on each of the bathroom shelves. A canister contains cotton balls and swabs.

Visit bigelowchemists.com for more information. The company's New York store is located at 414 Sixth Avenue. Hours: Mon-Fri 7:30am-9pm; Sat 8:30am-7pm; Sun 8:30am-5:30pm. Founded in 1838, the company landmark provides healing remedies, unusual beauty products and hard-to-find apothecaries.

The vanity holds body lotion, mouthwash, toothpaste and facial soap.
The dental kit includes toothpaste and a toothbrush.
For the bath: shampoo, conditioner and shower gel.
Peppermint mouthwash alongside lavendar/peppermint body lotion.
A stainless steel canister holds cotton balls and swabs.
Soap and a shower cap for the bath.
(above photos: TheHopefulTraveler)

There is one thermostat located in the bedroom to adjust the temperature for the entire 1,200 square feet. I like my hotel room cool so I was pleasantly surprised that the air temperature was constant no matter which section you occupied. However a constant adjustment was necessary if you kept the curtains open along any of the three sliding doors if they were facing the sun. Such are the perils of visiting Las Vegas.

(above photo: TheHopefulTraveler)

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