Friday, October 21, 2011

Images from a Visit to Independence Hall Part 2

The north side of Independence Hall. The hall is a red brick building designed
in the Georgian Style and built between 1732 and 1743. It housed the government
of Pennsylvania until 1799.
(photos: TheHopefulTraveler)
This post continues with images of Independence Hall. See the previous post or click HERE for part 1. After passing through security, be sure you line up (look for the park ranger at the front of the line). The ranger will lead visitors to room to view a short film about the historic site and field any questions. The guided tour continues into the Assembly Hall and the Supreme Court Room.

Then its a short trip up the tower stairwell to the Long Gallery. The tour ends here and visitors are free to roam the remainder of the complex which includes Great Essentials, which is self guided, in the West Wing and Congress Hall, where a brief introduction by a guide is made and then guests are free to explore both levels. Great Essentials have surviving documents including the Declaration of Independence on display. Congress Hall houses the meeting place for the Senate and House of Representatives. A visit to Great Essentials and Congress Hall are covered in separate posts.

Visiting the entire Independence Hall complex can be completed in just about an hour. Though the Independence Tower was under restoration work, it did not detract from the awe of seeing this American historical attraction.

A screen with a rendering of Independence Tower obscures the restoration
work ongoing beneath it. This is a view from the south side of
Independence Hall. The statue is of John Barry (1745-1803) who was
an officer in the Continental Navy during the Revolutionary War. He
is credited as "The Father of the American Navy".

The north side of Independence Hall inside the security fence.
From the courtyard on the south side of the building one can see the
buildings of Independence Hall in contrast to nearby structures.
Though there are clocks on each side of the tower, another set of clocks
hang on the east and west side of the second level of Independence Hall.
The smaller wing at left houses Great Essentials where surviving historic
documents are on view.
The view of Independence Hall from Independence Mall. The highest
point of the steeple reaches 168 feet.

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