Monday, July 4, 2011

Dallas-Ft. Worth (DFW) International Terminal D

(image credit: Francois Hogue/flickr)
Today I return to Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport (DFW) as I make another connection to a flight back to Honolulu. If DFW is counted as a destination, I've likely traveled to this airport more than to any other city in 18 years. The irony is that I've never actually visited any city in Texas as I've stepped outside of this airport only once and it was to stay overnight at a nearby airport Marriott due to a connecting flight that was to leave the next morning.

But if I would choose a favorite airport terminal it would be the two-million-square-foot Terminal D at DFW. I'm a fan of the film "The Terminal" directed by Steven Spielberg and starring Tom Hanks as a stranded traveler at a New York City airport. The fact that the entire terminal used in the film complete with retail and restaurant establishments all housed beneath a massive canopy ceiling is a set design that continues to fascinate me each time I view the film.

(above four images: TheHopefulTraveler)
In a way Terminal D at DFW echoes the look of the "The Terminal" set designed by Alex McDowell ("Minority Report,""Charlie and the Chocolate Factory") from the 80-foot high ceilings to the two two-level concessions comprised of 100,000 square feet of retail shops and restaurants and escalators.

Rather than a semi-circular design of the four older terminals at DFW, Terminal D which opened in 2005 at a cost of 1.2 billion dollars is a square U-shape with wide walkways along the concourse and generous seating areas at each of the 29 gates. Restrooms are more strategically located throughout the terminal unlike the the other four terminals where they are spaced farther apart.

Even if I don't plan to buy or eat anything while at Terminal D, I normally spend a part of my layover walking through each shopping arcade and then finding a gate with no current departure to relax until my boarding time. One of the unique features of Terminal D is the Grand Hyatt DFW hotel constructed above the terminal. The hotel can be accessed directly from behind terminal security and overnight guests can obtain a pass to enter the concourse to visit the shops and restaurants.

Visit dfwairport.com for more information about the shops, restaurants and services offered at Terminal D as well as the other terminals at DFW.

(image credit: Francois Hogue/flickr)