Monday, July 4, 2011

Circling & Crystal Mountain Art Installations at DFW

There are over thirty works of art that fill the International Terminal D and Skylink train stations at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport (DFW). However there are two installations in Terminal D most passengers are unlikely to miss.

Circling (2005) by Christopher Janney
An interactive sculpture located in the south side of Terminal D, this work consists of a labyrinthine pattern on the floor in colored terrazzo and curved glass walls interspersed with bursts of sound along the paths. Walls of transparent colored glass and four concentric circles within a 32-foot diameter space allow a person to step out of the airport environment.

Crystal Mountain (2005) by Dennis Oppenheim
A large (30 feet x 45 feet) aluminum-frame sculpture located at the north side of Terminal D is a crystal-inspired work with an arched tunnel through the center that is wide enough for two-way pedestrian circulation.

Children think of both as amusement attractions while adults can't help to pass through each out of pure curiosity. Visit dfwairport.com to learn more about these and the other pieces in the airport's public art program.

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