Thursday, June 30, 2011

Koreatown or K-Town or Korea Way

(all images: flickr/tanenhaus)
Tonight my NYC adventures take me to Koreatown where I'm meeting Manhattan transplants and friends, Giselle and Ritchie, for dinner. As many times I have been to Herald Square I had not yet ventured to Koretown nearby.

Also known as K-town and located near the Empire State Building and Macy's department store, this concentration of Korean businesses is bordered by 31st and 36th Street and Fifth and Sixth Avenues. The segment along 32nd Street is known as Korea Way, a city block length popular for its concentration of shop and restaurants featuring Korean goods and cuisine.

Although few actually live in the area, the 2000 Census reports that New York has the second largest population of Koreans outside of Korea with an estimated Korean American population to be over 200,000. Origins of K-town began with a few Korean immigrants setting up shop in the area adjacent to the Garment and Flower Districts of Manhattan. As they became successful more Korean-owned businesses set up shop in the area.

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