Sunday, July 1, 2012

Venue: Duke on 42nd St Headlines 'Cock' aka the 'Cockfight Play' Off-Broadway

The facade of the Duke on 42nd St facade sits along side the marquee
of the American Airlines Theatre.
Current occupant at the Duke on 42nd St is the 'Cockfight Play'
(photos: TheHopefulTraveler)
There is no denying the fact that when I visit New York City my intent is on seeing the latest Broadway productions but every now and then when time permits or the show peaks my interest, I take in an Off Broadway production. Click HERE to read my post about the differences between Broadway and Off Broadway.

Today I see the 'Cockfight Play' at the the Duke on 42nd St.  Though it is located right in the Times Square Theatre District, it is considered an Off Broadway venue. Ironically it is situated above the entrance hall to the American Airlines Theatre, one of the official Broadway theaters.

The Duke on 42nd St was constructed as part of the rejuvenated 42nd Street. Access to the theatre is up one flight of stairs or elevator where the box office is also is also located. The auditorium itself is an intimate flexible-use black-box space. This allows the for versatile seating arrangements to accommodate the demands of the physical production. The building in which the Duke is located also hosts rehearsal facilities. The theater is named in recognition of a grant from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation.

Visit dukeon42.org for more information about the venue.

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