Monday, July 2, 2012

A Passing Glance at the Gardens at the Frick Collection

(photos: TheHopefulTraveler)
I've not yet had the opportunity to visit the Frick Collection which is one of the small art museums along New York City's Fifth Avenue. But I couldn't help to take a glance through the iron fence while walking to Central Park to enjoy my macaron ice cream from Laduree right around the corner.

The noise, traffic and the general hustle of the bustle of New York City is often deafening and unending. But when I see an oasis like this hidden among the concrete, glass, bricks and pavement I can't help to pause. It's a relaxing feeling to see a well-manicured and serene garden such as this one.

This is a view of the museum's 70th Street garden which was designed in 1977 and, according to the museum's horticulturalist, was meant to be viewed from the street or from the museum's reception hall windows like an impressionist painting. The garden's centerpiece is a rectangular pool crowned in the summer with blue and white tropical lilies and lotus. Visit frick.org for more information.

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