Monday, June 25, 2012

Return to Cafe Duke, Midtown @ 150 West 51st Street

Cafe Duke take-out menu.
Korean sushi (photos: TheHopefulTraveler)
Last year friends in New York City introduced me to the food at Cafe Duke (Click HERE to read the original post and see additional photos of Cafe Duke).

Since I could not check in to my room at the DoubleTree Suites and it was already nearly 2pm it was too late to have a big lunch and much too early for dinner. All I knew was I was hungry and just wanted some peace and quiet to eat (I just can't believe I wrote that being that I'm in New York City).

Everywhere in Times Square was already full with the tourist crowds and I knew that when I visited Cafe Duke previously that it looked like it catered toward the business crowds. As I suspected once I entered the deli on 51st street, the place was not busy and there no waits in line or for a table.

I may as well get my rice fix since I'm here. It's one of the foods I usually crave sometime during my trips to the city. So I pick up a tray of Korean sushi. It's different from traditional Japanese maki sushi in  the type of sauce used and the fact that it is filled with beef. This is New York City so a lunch with a drink that can satisfy for less than ten bucks is a deal to me.

This is first chance I've gotten to sit down and relax since arriving in the city. As much as I would want to make better use of the time actually doing something, I was exhausted after arrival when our checked bags were delayed by more than a half-hour. I knew had time to head over to the Times Square Visitor Center after lunch and then I should be able to check-in at the hotel.

At Cafe Duke's sushi counter.
Cafe Duke's pizza counter.
Cafe Duke's sandwich counter.
(photos: TheHopefulTraveler)

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