Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Truvia Flows Freely at the Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas

(photo credit: TheHopefulTraveler)
Even four years after its introduction, Truvia is still not stocked as commonly as those pink, blue or yellow packets in restaurants and coffee shops. But I was surprised at the Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas, the sugar substitute was available on the table at the Overlook Grill. Most of you may say so what.

There's a good reason why Truvia is hard to find when dining out. In a Wall Street Journal report, it appears that places like the coffee counter at a Whole Foods Market in Maryland keep the Truvia behind the counter. You have to ask for it because according to the retailer, "People take a lot more than they need."

The manufacturer of Truvia is aware of the problem and is in the process of developing a dispenser that would limit the number of packets a consumer can take at once.

The appeal of Truvia is it is a natural alternative to aspartame, saccharin and other chemically derived sugar substitutes. Many consumers say the taste and texture of Truvia is closer to sugar than Equal, Sweet'N Low or Splenda. Some like the crunch of the product.

Critics complain about the aftertaste that is common with such sweeteners. But the reason why people are willing take more than one or two packets at the coffee counter is the retail price which can be double the cost for the same amount of packets of its competitors.

Visit truvia.com for more information.

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