Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Bars of the Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas: Vesper & Bond

The Chandelier Bar may be the the premiere location for drinks at the Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas but the hotel's other casino bars have an identity of their own. The Vesper Bar and Bone are among these bars but are open to the casino floor and therefore have no formal entrance. The unique look of each one becomes an invitation even if you don't have a drink. Their names are a nod to one 007 agent.

Located next to the registration lobby and at the west entrance to the casino, the Vesper Bar is often busy with those waiting to check-in or to check-out. Vesper is a drink made with gin, vodka and Kina Lillet and invented and named by secret agent James Bond as featured in the the 1953 novel Casino Royale.

The metal mesh above the bar is meant to like a cloud. Combined with shimmering whites and silvers, the space is given a dream-like feel.

(photo credit: marriott)
Bond is the Cosmopolitan's casino lounge in overdrive filled with house music and glowing lights in the evening. Located just off the hotel's northeast entrance, the bar bleeds into the casino floor space located along Las Vegas Blvd. Day or night the bar's windows offer a front row view of the Las Vegas Strip. A rotating selection of artists and DJ's come to play at Bond. Click HERE for the event calendar.

I took the photos below during the middle of the afternoon while the bartender was setting up shop. There are no walls or doors so in the daytime when the bar is closed, it offers a restful space within the hotel and away from the noise and Las Vegas heat outside.

(above photos: TheHopefulTraveler)

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