Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Hangover Heaven Bus Cruises The Las Vegas Strip

Lounge onboard Hangover Heaven bus.
(photo: hangoverheaven)
Anesthesiologist Jason Burke launched a service on April 14th that seems to fit like a glove for its location. The Hangover Heaven bus roams the Las Vegas strip for those in need of a cure for a night of imbibing.

This appears to be a first class service using a 45-foot bus as the moving clinic. It can accomodate 10-14 people at one time and includes a front and rear lounge, kitchenette, consulting room and four private bunks. The two lounges have flat-screen TV with stereo sound system.

Several therapies are offered to those in need. Hangover packages include:


The Redemption package is our basic service and is very effective at reducing the symptoms of a hangover and can be performed on just about anybody. It includes intravenous hydration which can help flush the toxins from your system. Many people say they feel more energized and “crisp” after this treatment. It is also useful to improve skin appearance in this dry desert climate.


This is our most effective service. It includes intravenous hydration, anti-nausea and anti-inflammatory medications. These medications act to directly resolve the effects of a hangover. This package also includes vitamin supplementation. These vitamins help to clear your body of the toxins resulting from a heavy night of drinking and can improve your generalized state of health. They also make you feel better quickly since they are very rapidly absorbed and can remain in your system for days after the therapy.

IN-ROOM THERAPY – $400 (first person) $200 (each additional)

In room treatments are available from 8am to 4pm seven days a week, staff and schedule permitting.
If in-room service is not available due to scheduling, we have a VIP suite on the bus where treatment can be administered.
The in-room treatment consists of an actual doctor coming to your room and administering two bags of IV fluids, IV anti-nausea medicine, IV anti-inflammatory medicine, and IV vitamins. It is our premium service and will have you feeling better before you know it. The complete treatment takes approximately 45 minutes.

Other services offered include Myers Cocktail ($99), a nutrient drink administered with IV fluids, and B12 Shots ($20). Cures take about 45 minutes.

How about the safety? In a CBS News report:

"For the most part, it sounds safe," said Dr. Daliah Wachs, a family practice physician and national satellite radio medical talk show host based in Las Vegas. "But this is kind of gutsy. He's taking a risk."
A patient could have an allergic reaction, Wachs said, or fail to fully report their medical history. For people with pre-existing conditions, Toradol can affect the kidneys, she said, and Zofran can trigger abnormal heart rhythm. Still, Wachs said, emergency room physicians and clinic doctors have for decades provided hangover sufferers with IV drip "banana bags" - so named for their yellow color.
"I think many doctors are kicking themselves because they didn't think of this first," she added.

Visit hangoverheaven.com for more information and to book a reservation online; treatment at hotels available. Hours of operations varies. Summer hours: Mon-Thu 9am-1pm; Fri-Sun 8am-4pm.

The actual bus parked on near the Las Vegas Strip.
(photo: odditycentral
"Patients" being cured.
(photo: AP

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