Sunday, November 13, 2011

Worldwide Tipping Information

(photo: askmanny/flickr)
Magellan's Travel Supplies has a quick and handy guide on worldwide tipping at restaurants, porters and taxi drivers. The experts at Magellan's offers these general guidelines by region:

Asia and the Pacific: Special care must be taken to insure that your well-meaning gesture is not taken as insulting. If you are unsure, it is best not to tip. If possible, observe the locals and follow their lead.

Europe: Many hotels and restaurants add a service charge to the bill. In most cases, an additional tip is unnecessary. If no service charge is added to your bill 10% is the general rule for restaurant service, a dollar per bag will be appreciated.

Middle East/Africa: While your tip will not be seen as insulting, it may be unnecessary. Once again, the best bet is to do as the locals do.

Central/South America: Many hotels and restaurants add a service charge to the bill, and an additional tip is unnecessary. If not, 10% is the general rule for restaurant service, and a dollar per bag is appreciated.

The Magellan's tipping guide is just that, only a guide, and they indicate the practice is a reward for good service and in the end the value it up to you.  Below are some popular destinations and tipping guidelines.

   Restaurants: 10% in fine restaurants only
   Porters: $2 per bag
   Taxis: Round Up

   Restaurants: 15%
   Porters: $1-$2 per bag
   Taxis: 10%

   Restaurants: 10% if no service charge
   Porters: $1 per bag
   Taxis: 15%

   Restaurants: None, tipping is perceived as insulting
   Porters: None
   Taxis: None

Visit magellans.com for the complete list which features guidelines for over 70 countries.

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