Saturday, October 22, 2011

Rocky Statue, Rocky Steps, Rocky Footprints

My journey along the Benjamin Franklin Parkway finally takes me to its northwest point where in the shadow of the Philadelphia Museum of Art is the famous Rocky statue. Created in 1980 for the film "Rocky III", the bronze sculpture immortalizes the fictional Rocky Balboa played by Sylvester Stallone on film. The statue is one the most popular tourist attractions in the city as many visitors pose with the sculpture then climb the steps of the museum and imitate boxer Rocky's iconic pose of triumph featured in the original 1976 feature film. Those who dare to make this public display is rewarded with one the most spectacular views of Philadelphia.

There are 72 steps that lead to the museum that have become known as the Rocky steps. At the top there is a bronze inlay of Converse sneaker footprints with the name "Rocky" above them. Literally the journey of the statue has had a rocky history before finding its current placement in 2006. Click HERE to read more about the comeback of the statue in a New York Times article.

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