Friday, October 21, 2011

Return to 'Aspects of Love' at the Walnut Street Theatre

Yesterday I posted a review of 'Aspects of Love' at the Walnut Street Theatre. As readers of this blog have noted I normally see the stage productions of Andrew Lloyd Webber musicals twice. Live theatre is of the moment and often upon repeat viewing one can see and hear more detail that was missed in a prior viewing. I have to admit that a repeat viewing of the 2000 Broadway revival of of Lloyd Webber's 'Jesus Christ Superstar' was a mistake. It poorly conceived and directed.

But it's no surprise that I return to see 'Aspects of Love' again. The fact that the musical is rarely produced and because of the subject matter, I feel it would not see the light of day in any theater company in Hawaii and so I must travel abroad when it is presented. It may be partially that it took me almost twenty years until I finally saw a stage production and I am just trying to get my fill not knowing when I may be able see it again.

One benefit of returning to the show is to see the second of two young actresses playing the younger version of Jenny. Obviously the talent pool in Philadelphia is wide as Arin Edelstein in the role also delivered a seasoned performance.

It's my thing and upon a second viewing I can admire again the talent and designs that I enjoyed the first time. But it is the music that brings me back. It is sung-through and it is romantic music. Though many would argue regarding the quality of the story and characters, the show has many admirers. I am among the latter and it marked a great end to a great day in Philadelphia.

This post includes photos of the Walnut Street Theatre marquee and other advertising for 'Aspects of Love' which closes this Sunday on October 23rd. The production stars Jennifer Hope Wills (Rose Vibert) Charles Hagerty (Alex Dillingham), Paul Schoeffler (Geroge Dillingham), Danielle G. Herbert (Giulietta Trapani), Laurent Giroux (Marcel Richard); Jenna Brooke Scannelli (Jenny Dillingham) and Arin Edelstein and Claire Norden (alternating the role of Young Jenny).  The director is Bruce Lumpkin.

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