Saturday, October 22, 2011

Fairmount Water Works & Fairmount Dam

The Fairmount Water Works buildings.
Like the Philadelphia Museum of Art nearby, the Water Works is also
designed in the Greek Revival style.
From the hill that leads to the Philadelphia Museum of Art, one is
offered a view of both the Fairmount Water Works and Fairmount Dam.
Along the Water Works is a promenade that is popular with joggers.
Almost secluded behind the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the
Water Works is surrounded by walkways gardens.
Another view of the Water Works from the top of the hill behind the
Water Works. (photos: TheHopefulTraveler)
These buildings designed in the style of Greek Revival were constructed between 1812 and 1872 to supply drinking water to Philadelphia. Despite its purpose to house huge water wheels, turbines and pumps the beauty of the site makes it a destination for visitors and engineers alike. The Fairmount Water Works ceased operation in 1909 and houses an exhibit about water resources.

I'm not sure what this area is like during peak tourist season but during this October day, the place is quite picturesque and peaceful as the the Schuylkill River rushes over the Fairmount Dam.

The 2,008-foot-long Fairmount Dam was completed in 1821 and built to divert water into the Water Works to turn the water wheels housed in the buildings. A walkway from the the Water Works leads to the edge of the dam.

Visit fairmountwaterworks.org for more information.

The Fairmount Dam
The Water Works leads to the edge of the Fairmount Dam.
The boat houses along the Schuylkill River and located near the dam.
The view looking down river from the dam.
The Fairmount Dam was in 1821 the longest in the United State.

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