Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Guinness World Record Holder for the Most Performances in the Same Broadway Show

From left: David Cryer (Monsieur Firmin), Michele McConnell (Carlotta) and
Geroge Lee Andrews (Monsier Andre) in 'The Phantom of the Opera'.
With 'The Phantom of the Opera' on the verge of celebrating its 25th Anniversary since its London premiere, actor George Lee Andrews reached a milestone of his own with the Broadway production of Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical. Andrews has performed in various roles in the show (lately as Monsier Andre, one of the two opera manager characters in the show) for 9,382 performances. His last performance was on September 3rd.

A New York Times article about his achievement that is a Guinness World Record also revealed some interesting trivia:
- George Lee Andrews has been with the show for 23 years.
- During that time 12 different actors has played the title role.
- His contract has been renewed more than 40 times.
- Andrews is 68 years old by his last performance in the show.
- 'Phantom' has earned $825 million in New York so far.
- The Broadway production will celebrate its 25th anniversary in January 2013.
- More than 14.5 million people have seen the musical in New York.
- The show opened at the Majestic Theatre on January 26th 1988 with Andrews in the cast.
- Aaron Galligan-Stierle, 31, who is the son-in-law of Andrews will replace him in the role of Monsieur Andre.

The Times article indicate that lead producer Cameraon Mackintosh described the need for new blood to strengthen 'Phantom' for an indefinite commercial run as the reason that the contract with Andrews was not renewed.

Click HERE to read the full New York Times article. Below is an interview with Andrews on CBS News.

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