Friday, June 24, 2011

REWIND: Lincoln Center's Vivian Beaumont Theater Travels to the 'South Pacific' (2008 & 2009)

Above photos from 2008
This is the third post looking back at the 2008 Broadway Revival of 'South Pacific'. During most of the run of 'South Pacific' at Lincoln Center's Vivian Beaumont, the plaza fronting the theatre was under much construction. Finding the theatre entrance was like navigating a maze. Usually I would write about the background of the theatre for which I have just reviewed. Being that I had mainly obscured photos of the Beaumont during the run of 'South Pacific', I'll write more about the venue when I see 'War House' at the same house this summer. I understand construction in this part of Lincoln Center as part of a master revitalization is complete.

Laura Osnes on the Beaumont stage (image: Lincoln Center)
Original 'South Pacific' cast at curtain call as the stage retracts to
reveal the 30-piece orchestra (image: Sarah Krulwich/New York Times)
In the meantime these are shots from 2008 and 2009 when 'South Pacific' was in residency at the Vivian Beaumont. I love the press photo of the cast on the retracted stage that it appears here again with one where actress Laura Osnes (filling in for a pregnant Kelli O'Hara) as Nellie Forbush is in the midst of rehearsal in an empty auditorium. These press photos gives a dramatic view of the only thrust stage on Broadway.

Lower lobby of Beaumont which leads to the underground entrances
and Mitzi E. Newhouse Theater.

Above photos from 2009

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