Thursday, June 30, 2011

High Line: Manhattan's Aerial Greenway (Part 2)

Above photos: The Chelsea Grasslands section of the High Line.
(All photos: TheHopefulTraveler)
This is the second of two posts featuring the High Line in Manhattan. The series of photos in this post continues the journey through the park that started from the Gansevoort stairs entrance walking north to 30th Street.

The below four-minute fly-through video provides a view of the designs of the High Line's Sections 1 and 2.

The High Line is a public park owned by the City of New York. The friends of the High Line conservancy is in charge of raising private funds for the park and overseeing its maintenance and operations in agreement with the city.

Visit thehighline.org for maps, access points (located every two to three blocks) and subway/bus info. Hours: 7:00am to 11:00pm daily.  Click HERE to view part one.

Water at the drinking fountains drains onto the landscape.
A Frank Gehry designed building along the High Line.
An art installation mimics the High Line. The birds seem to love it.
A narrow section leading into the recently completed second section
of the High Line.
The view from the 26th Street Viewing Spur.
The 26th Street Viewing Spur seen from street level.
One of the unusually designed buildings to view along the High Line.

Above two photos: stretches of the High Line along the recently opened
Section 2.
A giant dandelion?
The end of the line at 30th Street. Eventually this will lead into the
the third phase of the High Line's redevelopment.

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