Saturday, September 18, 2010

Return to Covent Garden Piazza

Lines long at this vendor selling paella.
Covent Garden is either referenced to the district in central London or more often to the shopping arcade and the streets that border it. More often the latter is referred to as Covent Garden Piazza or Square to distinguish it and is a must see in London. See my previous post about this shopper's and foodie's delight by clicking here.

Travel expert Rick Steves succinctly and humorously describes the Piazza in his London guidebook as follows: "The centerpiece of this boutique-ish shopping district is an iron-and-glass arcade. The area is a people-watcher's delight, with cigarette eaters, Punch-and-Judy acts, food that's good for you (but nor your wallet), trendy crafts, sweet whiffs of marijuana, two-tone hair (neither natural), and faces that could set of a metal detector."

The absence of vehicular traffic makes visiting extra attractive. On this Saturday morning, it is particularly busy with events for London Fashion Week and weekend shoppers. Since the matinee play was nearby I chose to make the area a day of it. More info about the district at coventgardenlondonuk.com.

One of the shopping arcades (above) and views of the piazza surrounding the  shopping arcades.

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