Monday, September 13, 2010

First Thing Eaten (with The Queen's logo?)

The first thing I ate on vacation was candy. After taking a longer nap than I wanted after unpacking at the hotel, it was a rush to arrive at the Noel Coward Theatre in time for the 7:30pm curtain of 'Deathtrap'. I hurried myself along High Holborn and then Shaftesbury Avenue to Charring Cross Road to St. Martin's Lane and almost lost my way a couple of times.  It was my first night upon returning to London and you have to realize that many blocks in central London are not square or rectangular in shape.  This means the streets and roads will intersect at odd intervals which can sometimes make for a confusing trek in any direction. Bottom line I arrived at the theatre with three minutes to spare and this is the first thing I ate during this visit to London: After Eight Chocolate Straws. There was no time to even hit a cafe or to find fast food.

Manufactured by Nestle and not sold in the United States, the candy was sold in the theatre. Two pounds please....I mean the cost of the candy not the gain in weight.

By the way if you notice, the packaging includes the Queen's coat of arms at the top. The wording reads: 'By Appointment to her Majesty the Queen'. This means that the company carrying the 'by appointment' notice is allowed to call itself an official supplier of goods or services to the Queen (or the palace) and can thus display her coat of arms on the signage. Similarly, rights are also granted by the Prince of Wales and certain other royals.

Go to aftereight.co.uk to learn more about this sophisticated chocolate.

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