Sunday, September 19, 2010

Stage Door at 'Aspects of Love'

Autographed program.
Even though the Menier Chocolate Factory occupies the entire ground floor, the space is shared with its restaurant, art gallery, auditorium, box office and backstage. It's a tight fit with about 200 theater patrons and staff. One of the unusual aspects of the floor plan is the bar/box office/lobby all share the same space and serves as entry to the auditorium and backstage. Don't be surprised when exiting the play and encountering the performers along the way. There's no backstage door here behind the building.

Such was the case this Sunday evening when Michael Arden who played the role of Alex in 'Aspects of Love' stepped from the backstage door. Opportunity knocks so I asked for an autograph and photo. Just as polite as Jonathan Groff ('Deathtrap') and Ramin Karimloo ('Love Never Dies'), Arden was nice to ask where I was from and ask what plays I was seeing in London. His official website is at michaelarden.net.

By the way to enter the theater lobby and box office is through the restaurant. I did not know this so my first time at the theatre last week led me to a door on the opposite side of the building that the musicians and actors use to access the lobby. One of the musicians saw I was lost and said follow me I'll let you in.

Michael Arden and the Hopeful Travel in the lobby/bar.

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