Sunday, September 19, 2010

Oriental Delight for Chinatown Munchies

What do I find to wash down the pastries I bought down the street? A can of coconut juice. It's a warm London evening and I am thirsty. Found it in the Chinatown shop called Oriental Delight. Despite having the same name as a massage parlor, this is the kind of place you do not enter hungry. Sweets galore fill every shelf and corner with fridge cases full of drinks and frozen treats. All the products include descriptions in English to help you determine the taste or ingredients. I found the shop staff here friendly and the location fun to examine the huge of variety of goods stuffed into the small corner shop.

This shop is opened late along with the restaurants in Chinatown which makes it convenient for late evening snacks. The prices here are definitely overpriced compared to prices charged back in the States, but the convenience and selection sure is an attraction. With such a bright exterior, you can't miss it in the middle of Chinatown.

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