Saturday, September 18, 2010

Jubilee Market in Jubilee Hall in Covent Garden

The Jubilee Market is one of the must sees when in Covent Garden. There is something for everyone depending on the day of week. Mondays from 9am-5pm it's an antique market for every budget. Tuesday to Friday 9:30am-6:30pm it becomes a general market of 200 stalls with everything from household goods to novelties. On this Saturday and Sunday 9:30am-5:30pm it transforms into an arts and craft market featuring items from various skills.

The sellers here openly display their arts and crafts. If you find something you like, buy more of the same and bargain for it. I generally look for unusual posters or photographs of London. My purchases have included a Theatres of London poster which now hangs framed above my couch. In another visit I purchased several framed pictures of London from a local photographer.

If you don't plan to buy anything, this market combined with the markets and shops in the Covent Garden halls can make for an interesting visual experience. The market also houses an exchange bureau and vendors selling refreshments. Paths through the market can be congested as shoppers stroll slowly to peruse each booth. But be patient and look around. You may just find something unique and interesting to purchase.

Jubilee Hall which houses the market was constructed in 1904 and restored in 1985. It was officially opened by Queen Elizabeth II in 1988. More info at jubileemarket.co.uk.

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