Friday, September 17, 2010

East Front of Buckingham Palace

Here's where it all happens: the pomp and circumstance of the Changing of the Guard and the balcony where the Royal Family occasionally appears. Among London's historical sights the East Front of Buckingham Palace is probably one of the most photographed. Although the palace became the official residence of the monarchy in 1837 with the accession of Queen Victoria, the East Front was not added and completed until 1850 and remodeled to the facade we see today in 1913.

The palace has 830,000 square feet of floor space and is provided £15 million (US$23 million) by the British Government for upkeep. About 450 people make up the work force of the of the palace. More info about visiting the palace and other royal residences at royalcollection.org.uk. More info about the Royal Family at royal.gov.uk.

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