Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Convenience Stores in London Just in Case

Sometimes you forget something after you arrive, need something at the last minute or searching for a snack or a quick bite to eat. If such a need arises when in London, look for either a Boots, Pret-a-Manger, Tesco or Sainsbury's. One of these retailers should have what you need.

Like a Walgreens or CVS in the states, Boots pharmacy should have the same merchandise and more. Besides the normal collection of drugstore goods, Boots also carriers some prepared food such as sandwiches. Boots locations are all over London so look for their signature blue sign. Back in 2007, my checked bag was delayed in which I packed many basics. Boots was an oasis to find replacement toiletries.

Don't have time to eat at a restaurant and want to avoid any American fast-food chain but still eat something simple, good and to go. Head to a Pret-A-Manger. Sandwiches, salads, wraps, sushi, soups, pastries, cookies and cakes are usually on the menu. All food is already prepared and wrapped to go. Make your choices from the fridge shelves or baskets and head to the register. However if you decide to eat your meal in the restaurant, the cost for each item is more. Pret-a-Manger locations are also in Washington DC, Chicago and all over New York City.

Sainsbury's and Tesco fill the need for anything you may want from a supermarket. Their smaller locations, more common in central London, are called Sainsbury's Local and Tesco Metro.

Best of all, each of these places will have the one basic need that Americans must have wherever they go, that holy grail called bottled water.

Photos in this post used only for illustration purposes.
As you can tell from past series of London posts that I did not eat three square meals a day in London and likely filled gaps or when I had a light appetite with something from these places. A Boots and Sainsbury's was less than five minutes away from my hotel, the Renaissance Chancery Court. On recent trips I've been checking where these or similar retailers are located in relation to my hotel just in case.

More info and store locator at:

1 comment:

  1. Ooh! We have pret-a-manger here in NYC as well. I like their sandwiches. A bit on the pricey side though. Their muffins are good too. :)
