Thursday, September 23, 2010

AA Flight 137 - Flagship Suite from Heathrow

View from two of the three windows by seat 4J.
Taxi, train and finally airplane. It would be 10 hours and 30 minutes from Heathrow in London to Los Angeles International Airport. Among all the distances I have ever flown this is probably the most torturous. It is such a long distance of over 5,000 miles and the duration of the flight is entirely in daylight. Sure on international flights, American does offer meal service in coach but the hours move by extremely slowly.  

This time things were a thousand times different as I settled into a Flagship Suite. The flight was delayed but waiting at the gate for the plane to depart was never so relaxing. Shortly after finding my seat, the flight attendants offered a drink, menu, newspaper and a Bose headphone set. My head was already buzzing from the third glass of champagne before we departed.

Even though there are seats for 16 passengers in this section, one seat remained empty on the flight and on the one I flew to London. I noticed that during the flight the pilots or flight attendants would use this empty seat.

Click here for an animated view of the Flagship Suite or here for an overview of American Airlines First Class.
Rainy day view as the plane moves on the runway to takeoff.
Before takeoff menus were distributed and champagne served.
Above and below two views of cabin from my seat.

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